Friday, July 20, 2007

Number Four

Sammy Davis Jr. - Cornerback - Texas A&M

Another rejuvenation project for Monte Kiffin and crew, the past few years hadn't been stocked full of first round defensive picks, but we're making it up to him by signing former first round 'busts', it worked for Phillip Buchanon, and hopefully another player on this list, but let's address Davis.

Drafted by the Chargers he was traded to the 49ers for another first round bust from that 2004 draft, Rashuan Woods, in his rookie year he grabbed two of his three career interceptions, and was often the target of opposing offenses.

The talent is there, but mentally he's always been unable to adjust, hopefully with two of the best defensive coaches around Sammy Davis Jr. can fit into the Bucs rhythm and give opposing QBs the blues.

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